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Member since ‎04-12-2017

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Hi!I am using a virtual FMC 6.4.0 in order to do a migration from ASA. As you know, once you migrate the ASA policy package it creates you a rule for each ACE which extremely increases the number of rules in the FMC (in my case up to 20.000 rules).Ok...
Hi!I am trying to install a virtual FTD in a VMWare server and when the installation  proccess finishes, the FTD don't answer.The screen I am seeing is the attached below.Any idea of why does it happen?
HI!We are trying to migrate an ASA configuration to a FMC without FTD installed. When we do the mapping between interfaces and zones, it only lets us assign routed mode zones and we need doing it with switched mode zones, any suggestion?The FMC versi...
We have a switch 3750 G and it´s rebooting continously. It shows:  %Crashinfo not stored: cannot open "flash:/crashinfo/crashinfo_224". Any idea of how to repair that problem?  We are unable to configure the switch, show we can´t enter any command
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Member Since ‎04-12-2017 04:34 AM
Date Last Visited ‎02-13-2020 09:59 AM
Posts 11