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Member since ‎04-04-2018

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Hi! I've been managing cisco AireOS(ME, non ME) setups for several years and I never had to restrict access to the management webui or cli until now. I've done some searches on the internet and cisco docs and found the cpu acl feature. Using an 1815i...
Here's the current setup:   WS-C3650 Version 16.3.7switch as dhcp server for both vlans 900 & 901.Vlan 900 dhcp snooping disabled, span dhcp packets inbound/outbound  ok.Vlan 901 dhcp snooping enabled , span dhcp packets inbound ok, outbount nok,span...
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Member Since ‎04-04-2018 01:46 AM
Date Last Visited ‎06-11-2024 01:03 AM
Posts 3