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Member since ‎04-05-2018

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Hello, We are currently using a ASA5545X with an anyconnect VPN using split tunneling.  With most of our users working from home, i wanted to monitor our anyconnect vpn tunnel to check the speed and ensure there's enough bandwidth so users aren't exp...
Hello, We have a remote office that is changing ISP's and just wanted to confirm the steps I would need to take in changing the firewall config for this to work.  We are currently running a ASA 5516 and have a site to site VPN from the remote to main...
Hello, We are looking into a new audio / video conferencing solution like bluejeans.  I was curious if there are recommendations out there for QOS configuration for cloud video conference solutions within your network.  We are currently running ASA 2...
Hello, We are configuring a pair of ASA 2110's and we configured Active/Standby failover on them.  At one point the active indicator on the standby firewall was amber, which after reading the documentation, was correct.  Long story short, we made som...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎04-05-2018 05:05 AM
Date Last Visited ‎09-15-2023 06:15 PM
Posts 8