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Member since ‎09-10-2011

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one of our clients want FE (100 M) but because he has only electrical port and we have optical port, he suggest to connect it to GE in his equipment.my question : is this connection working propably (FE to GE)???
Dear,We need to configure 1GBE (VC4-8C) using DXC 15600 with MSP1+1(between client and 15600 Network). but service provider said we cann't do MSP1+1 on I GBE. Is This right? and Why?Thanks.
What is the difference between SNCP and MSP Linear .Is there any other protection type?Thx.
I have 15600 ring connectivity and there is STM-16 circuit dropped in both clint side. can I configure DS3 to be mapped over STM-16?
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Member Since ‎09-10-2011 03:05 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:50 AM
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