Level 1
Level 1
Member since ‎11-30-2015

User Statistics

  • 9 Posts
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User Activity

Hi! I have created 2 mpls TE tunnels, which load balances over 2 different links, using explicit-paths, to the same destination. I would like to know, if the one physical link, experiences packet-loss, how do i get the mpls TE tunnel to just go down,...
Hi!I have created 2 mpls TE tunnels, which load balances over 2 different links, using explicit-paths, to the same destination. I would like to know, if the one physical link, experiences packet-loss, how do i get the mpls TE tunnel to just go down, ...
Hi There! i would llike to know what this error message on my logs mean, also in particular with the "suppressed 719 times"  .  Could this affect memory usage?  if so, how do i clear memory usage on a switch *Nov 30 09:12:00: %C4K_L2MAN-6-INVALIDS...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎11-30-2015 10:33 PM
Date Last Visited ‎11-19-2019 01:16 AM
Posts 9
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