we were trying to retrieve some raw data from the REST API from a WLC from a PI instance , however we are not getting any output, sample query and response as below:
H:\>curl -k "https://avcapi:Qwerty123@
we are trying to export the PRIME LMS device list and getting an error as POP UP:
"Device Credentials EXport FAILEd"
the migration logs shows it is unable to create directory and some null pointer exceptions, anyone has seen this issue before...
We are migrating from LMS 4.2.5 to PI 3.4 and we need to know how big of a drive we need in order to store the LMS 4.2.5 export which will be restored into PI 3.4…
we have around close to 9000 different types of devices.
any help would be appreci...
thanks, yes I agree but customer want to go for full export option, so you have any approx. how much disk size should be needed for full export, just a rough guess would be enough?