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Member since ‎05-25-2017

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Hi, I have just finished getting bit by a this problem and I found a solution, but I don't understand what was wrong with my original approach. Can somebody explain this to me:Step 1: Run a custom brownfield import routine(action) to build up out cus...
I am trying to upgrade to NSO from and I am getting failures starting the Java VM. Does anyone know what this is about?(ncs.log)<DEBUG> 10-Aug-2020::16:50:48.191 sv0a0171 ncs[90606]: - Loading file /apps/opt/ncs/ncs-
Hi, This error does not happen on NSO nor on NSO but it does happen on NSO have a fairly large template that has to deal with many different profile types so it is long but quite flat in structure.  The ncs.log shows me this...
Hi, I am trying to hide the use of the sync-to functionality in the webui-one interface (at least) using NSO "devices sync-to" is easy.<cmdrule xmlns="http://tail-f.com/yang/acm"><name>c_devices_syncto</name><command>devices sync-to</c...
Hi, I have been trying to use Navu under /scheduler:scheduler/scheduler:task  to iterate on the names as part of a helper function that sets an action-param based on the current date-time.  None of that really matters except for the part where the co...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎05-25-2017 06:18 AM
Date Last Visited ‎09-25-2020 12:05 AM
Posts 27
Total Helpful Votes Received 15
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