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Member since ‎04-01-2015

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I have IPSec tunnels configured between a Cisco 2911 IOS 15.4(3) and Calamp Vanguard 3000 running Linux Openswan U2.6.23/K2.6.27.9-CAv8.  The issue is that when the IPSec is established, I am creating multiple inbound and outbound SA's on the cisco r...
Hello there... I have a scenario that we are trying to work around but have been unable to do so.   I have 54 Calamp Vanguard 3000 wireless routers in the field for a project.  These devices utilize the FreeS/Wan VPN tool to connect.  Each of these d...
I hope you can help.  I have an odd situation that I have been asked to fix after the fact (of course) but am not getting the results that I desire.  I have a customer that is utilizing (54) Calamp Vanguard 3000 Cellular Routers connected to its own ...
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Member Since ‎04-01-2015 01:16 AM
Date Last Visited ‎06-12-2018 03:23 PM
Posts 3