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Member since ‎09-08-2001

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Ok.. on this page:http://www.cisco.com/kobayashi/sw-center/ciscosecure/ids/crypto/Objective: I would like to burn a image from the "System and Recovery Images" instead of ordering a Recovery CD for IDS. Questions: 1. Is this possible or do you ha...
I know about the 90 day trial ; however, is there a way to downlad a complete version for windows of of Cisco's site. I am able to download software so the is not a issue. I just do not see anywhere to download a complete version and not jsut the 90 ...
I see that you can not have RIP and OSPF on the PIX at the same time. Infact the a little message comes up on the PIX 6.3 saying so. Is there anyway around this?TIA!Jeff
internet---gateway----3550----ftpServerIs it possible to fwd ftp data on a VLAN interface that pushes that ftp data to a ftp server to get files? The gateway will ONLY see one subnet the ftp server is on another subnet.So, user on the outside connect...
Will the 3550 when in trunking w/ a 1912A be able to see and connect to different VLANs on the 1912?I know the 1912 can not do Inter-Vlan routing but I believe a 3550/EMI will be able to see the different VLANs when using ISL trunking correct??TIA!Je...
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Member Since ‎09-08-2001 01:33 PM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:50 AM
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