psrwal - Very good question. I hope my answer is clear.The IPS sensor will first determine that a packet belongs to a valid flow, using its normalization engine. If a packet is not valid the normalize engine will either modify the packet to correct i...
Sensing interface information does not get sent to reporting devices. Reporting is sourced from the management port and that is the source address you will see in VMS or with CS-MARS. There is not way to name this interface on the IPS appliance. If y...
Samuel - there is no protocol similar to CDP to detect an IPS in a network. An IPS should be viewed as a layer two intelligent bridge, hence it has no IP address and will not respond to ARP requests so essential it has no MAC addresses. Bottom line i...
You need to use the IPSMC/VMS 2.3 for auto updates. here's an excert from a 5.1 read me that should be posted in the next 20 days or so...Q. Will VMS 2.3 support both automatic download AND installation of IPS Signature Updates?IPS MC polls CCO for u...
It depends on your buget and your requirement:) Normally if you have the budget you would use multiple IPSs and multiple switches to achieve a high availability architectur, that's the recommended arcitecture. This ensures that a path is always avail...