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Member since ‎04-04-2015

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Hi,We want to set up a test environment to test the VPN connections on a mobile device management software.We have a Cisco ASA5505 which we are using for test purposes and is in internal LAN. We are using a different ASA for WAN connections.So we wan...
I have recently joined a company, and they  have below network topology.There are these vlans defined with Ip routing enabled.interface vlan 4name "Four"routingip address vlan 10name "Infrastructure"routingip a...
I have recently joined a company, and they  have below network topology.There are these vlans defined with Ip routing enabled.interface vlan 4name "Four"routingip address vlan 10name "Infrastructure"routingip a...
I have recently joined a company and the complete network in in, Most of the ip addresses are statically assigned to now they are running out of ip address.The dhcp range is and next ip addresses are...
Current Scenario:- Firewall is connected to a switch and that switch is connected to other switches in piggy backing scenario, there are no only 2 vlan, native and vlan20 with 30 hosts, all other 250 hosts are in native plan.  All hosts have firewall...
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Member Since ‎04-04-2015 02:47 PM
Date Last Visited ‎09-05-2018 11:58 AM
Posts 6
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