I'm hoping some of you smart folks can help me understand what I'm seeing here.
This is what I have configured.
CM 11.5 >>>> SIP Trunk >>>> Cisco 4331 ( QSIG T1 From Avaya)
What I'm seeing is...
1. Layer 1 is UP
2. Layer 2 ( Q.921 Sig shows no...
It looks as though the doc was stripped...here is the txt
sh inventory – 4331 ISR
AME: "Chassis", DESCR: "Cisco ISR4331 Chassis"
PID: ISR4331/K9 ...
Hi, Thanks for taking the time to look at this. As requested, the attachedword doc contains the following output1. sh inv2. sh isdn st 0/1/13. sh controller t14. debug isdn q921I assume all the routing for these channels is done in dial-peers...yes?A...