Phillip, What Unity is doing, it sends you to the voicemail box 5000 instead of sending you to the CUCM IP Phone extension since for it 5000 is a voicemail box extension.A good setup would use a mask for the voicemail boxes, something like: > ...
Yes it is. You will need to install the Mixed mode COP file. You can find it here: Ple...
Can you share "show version active" and "show version inactive" from the Publisher you tried to upgrade after you SSH to it?Can you also maybe share the install logs from the server? Regards,Jagpreet
Alright. You have put in a lot of information here, which is good. Although, the formatting could have been better, just a note.Lets divide our task at hand and then conquer: > Issue one: Internal calls to 4444 ++ Call Flow: Cisco IP Phone >> Di...
Christina, Run a CUIC/Historical report. You can use the Call Detail Record by Agent or the Agent Detailed Record report.What is the version of UCCX you are running? Regards,Jagpreet