Denis, can you clarify what version of the OS you have tried out? From your comments, it seems like you may have been looking at the older OS versions.-Shalabh
Jesse,Yes - this is on our near-term roadmap. We plan to have an option that will enable/disable Safesearch for specific search engines.For now, here is a very easy and effective way to deal with it:Create a Custom URL category called "Cached Search ...
Jesse,Thank you for responding actively on this forum. It is great to hear your perspective on the S-Series. I believe you wanted to discuss a few additional questions. Feel free to send them over. You can contact me directly at
Denis,I responded to your specific queries separately over email. As far as NTLM is concerned, one of our advantages is that we support it natively out of the box - you do not need to install any binaries or agents on AD servers/Domain controllers.We...
Denis,My name is Shalabh Mohan and I am the Product Manager for the Web Security product line. I would be happy to have detailed discussions with you on our relative strengths v/s the competition as well as the features we plan to add through the res...