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Member since ‎03-15-2013

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Just resolved an issue between us and a partner, along with Cisco TAC (us) and Palo Alto TAC (them).Ended up being a mismatched PFS setting - we were 21, they were 20.How could I have discovered this sooner, before having to invoke TAC assistance to ...
So, in this particular configuration, I have an ASA connected to a cable modem, providing me a single static IP.Cable modem gateway - /30ASA interface "outside" - /30I have a DMZ setup, with a single device in it:ASA interface "dmz" -...
Following the directions here: I'm attempting to build a Python script that will allow me to bulk add hosts via the R...
Got my hands on a 3702i.  It was supposed to be an AIR-CAP3702I-A-K9, but what I reecived was an AIR-AP3702I-UXK9. 5ghz radio will only sit in "station-mode scanner" until I change the domain, which seems to require AirProvision, rather than a CLI co...
I'm using an AIR-AP-1142N-A-K9 in a home environment, and trying to optimize throughput. Internet connectivity is an "up to 600mbps" cable Internet service from Comcast, using their Technicolor CGM4140COM "xFi Gateway", in bridge mode, connected to a...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎03-15-2013 02:15 PM
Date Last Visited ‎12-19-2024 10:12 AM
Posts 37
Total Helpful Votes Received 10
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