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Member since ‎07-22-2009

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Hello, I'm having some troubles to configure vlan's on my RV082 Router. I have a Windows server with Active Directory, so I installed it on VLAN 1, but any other PC's out of VLAN 1 can't reach it, for example VLAN 2, 3 etc. So How must I to configure...
Hello, I'm trying to get an internet connection through my cisco 877va but I can't get access. I cant apply show cotroller vdsl 0 command and I can see DSL up, however, the dialer0 interface can't get access to internet. If I apply "show int dialer0 ...
My RV082 router can't send e-mail when I try to configure the "Enable E-mail alert" on Log section. I filled both the SMTP and e-mail fields. But when I try to get the e-mail the System Log shows me the following message: "mail sending to myname@mydo...
I have a RV082 Router, and I added a static route (on advanced routing section), but the "routing table" screen doesn't shows the route, so the static routing obviously isn't working on the computers of my network. I tried disabling DHCP server and d...
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Member Since ‎07-22-2009 08:08 AM
Date Last Visited ‎04-26-2018 03:11 AM
Posts 17