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Member since ‎07-26-2007

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Hi,      Reading documentation on WAAS 694 , it says that it can do 2,500 connections and a lic upgrade is required for 6000 connections.I cannot find the lic part number on cisco.com.Can anyone please help me with this understanding or does WAAS 694...
Hi,Few concepts that I want to clarify on IPv6 multi homing-Scenario- I am an enterprise network and depend on ISPs for my internetI currently own a class B IPv4 address space from APNIC.I currently multi home with 2 ISPs for IPv4 www|WWW|| ISP1 | |I...
Hi,I am trying to run IPSec over IPv6.But I have introduced a complexity here-which is VRFRouter A                                                                             Router B Router A---fa0/1.59----------------------------------------fa0/0.5...
Hi,        I am having issues resequencing an IPv6 access-list..I do'nt get any options in the IOS.IPv4 resequencing works fine.Router(config)#ip access-list ?  extended    Extended Access List  helper      Access List acts on helper-address  log-upd...
Hi,I am trying to virtualize router and physical interface to test daul stack topology. This is one of my test 1841 routers which is failing enable OSPFv3 on a subif associated with a vrf while ospfv2 works fine with IPv4 interface FastEthernet0/1.59...
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Member Since ‎07-26-2007 08:49 PM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:53 AM
Posts 13
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