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Member since ‎11-26-2017

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Can we please get the we UI for the sandbox labs to show in our own local timezone, whatever that is?  Or have a drop-down to pick what timezone it should display in in our profile? Second related request - all timestamps shown *should always include...
Are the labs having problems? I have gotten booted from an RDP session to a lab box with "the connection has been lost" a dozen times this morning after connecting to a devnet lab.  Sometimes it reconnects in 30 seconds, sometimes it is 15 minutes be...
While I don't want to conflate multiple questions into a single post, it seems like they're so related that it might we wise here. 1 - Reservations seem to be scheduling multiple weeks into the future.  It used to never be this way, but now it is. Q1...
I have reserved and started doing some things in the Collaboration 11.5 Sandbox. The next steps in my own testing is to connect a jabber client to one of the 20 preprovisioned devices, but I cannot find out how to download jabber for Windows 10.Did I...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎11-26-2017 10:11 AM
Date Last Visited ‎05-07-2024 10:44 AM
Posts 21
Total Helpful Votes Received 10