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Member since ‎02-08-2008

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HelloHas anyone got a working procedure for changing the EXEC & privilege EXEC passwords on an ASA?I was thinking of logging on (using the old account), deleting the current details, applying the new account details - then, open a second ssh session ...
I'm trying to permit tracetoute (from an internal server) through my ASA to any host on the outside. So far I can only find information relating to traceroute to show the ASA...policy-map global_defaultclass class-defaultset connection decrement-ttl...
HelloHas anyone tried to change an access link, carrying live traffic, to a trunk.I need to do this soon and would like to learn from others who have experience with this - is there a procedure out there or steps I can follow?This currently carries t...
HelloI have a direct peer which has the following state:Idle (PfxCt).To clear this, I did: clear ip bgp neighThe thing is, it went to Idle and is now stuck in Active. I even increased the max-prefixes but it is still Active.I can ping the neighbor.An...
When I try to add a second PAT statement I get the following ERROR:ERROR: mapped-address conflict with existing static inside:A.B.C.D to outside:DEVICE 1_Public netmask existing config is:static (inside,outside) tcp DEVICE 1_Publ...
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Member Since ‎02-08-2008 05:10 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:53 AM
Posts 23