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Member since ‎08-11-2016

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Hi, I am using finesse restful services, I the following scenario, fromAddress, DNIS and startTime is missing in dialog XML packet.Deployment: UCCXVersion: 11.5Scenario: The agent is logged out. The extension is working (IP Phone is working)Dialled a...
Hi,I have a UCCX agent with username "abc", I was able to log in to Finesse Agent Desktop, XMPP and RestFull service as well (via java code). Later on, I have changed username to "ABC". What happened now is, I can login to finesse desktop, and can re...
Hi experts,I am trying to connect to UCCE finesse 11.5 to subscribe for XMPP notifications. ConnectionConfiguration config = new ConnectionConfiguration(server, port, ""); connection = new XMPPConnection(config); connection.connect(); SASLAuthenticat...
Hi All, I have following questions.Which version of smack is compatible with cisco finesses.(I am using Finesse 10.5).Is there any sample available for java desktop application available for capturing XMPP events?Can I receive JSON instead of XML fro...
Where I can find the XSD for XMMP message fired by Finesse. I want to parse these XMPP messages in Java.
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Member Since ‎08-11-2016 03:36 AM
Date Last Visited ‎02-12-2021 02:23 AM
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