Level 6
Level 6
Member since ‎08-06-2015

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Hello Experts,I have a question from a DevNet user/customer on an open Ticket #2504.  Customer is using Prime Infrastructure 3.2.  Customer asks:Around 5000 APs I have on a project and it needs to be configured ASAP. That's what every customer wants,...
Hello,We have a question from a new member to the communities.Besides the usual APIs calls directly to CMX, we are thinking of exporting this to a database (SQL , Oracle etc..) instead as the requirements growth so we can offload the CMX instead of i...
NEW URL for DevNet CMX 10 Location sandboxHi DevNet CMX Sandbox users,NEW URL for DevNet CMX 10.3 Location sandbox, Please note the CMX 10.3 sandbox for location services will have a new URL for access to the Das...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎08-06-2015 11:04 AM
Date Last Visited ‎10-24-2018 03:11 PM
Posts 550
Total Helpful Votes Received 10
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