Could someone help me to find where I can find the docker image of catalyst switch to bring it up as virtual device.
Looking to bring up virtual device using docker image.
When we try to provision wireless controller in DNAC, API docs says interfaceIPAddress is optional. But if we don't provide it fails saying we need to pass interfaceIPAddress. Can some one help us how to fix this problem? Below is the request body us...
We are trying to deploy a template on multiple devices using API, how can we specify a device tag or device group name in the deploy template payload body.
below is method written to perform action in NSO
@ActionCallback(callPoint="SFP-Advanced-ping", callType=ActionCBType.ACTION)public ConfXMLParam[] ping(DpActionTrans trans, ConfTag name,ConfObject[] kp, ConfXMLParam[] params)throws DpCallbackExce...
we tried with other yang file which doesn't use import of tailf-ncs-devices.yang ,works fine for us.We are suspecting issue with tailf-ncs-devices.yang .Inside asr-ruledef.yang we are importing tailf-ncs.yang which is refering to tailf-ncs-devices.y...