Hi All,This is query regarding allowing both Vocie and data Vlans on a single switch port. I knew tehre are different ways to configure and acheive this, but not sure how techncially they are different from each other> Way 1:interface Fa...
Your disturbution switch 6509 will be the root bridge for the VLAN's with priority 24576. The same distribution switch will be secondary root bridge for VLAN's with priorty 28672.These commnads will ensure that a switch is primary root bridge for vl...
Hello horacio27,You can use PortFast on access switch ports or trunk ports that are connected to a single workstation, server to allow those devices to connect to the network immediately, instead of waiting for the port to transition from the listen...
Switch - Phone - PC 1. First question: # int f0/1 # switchport mode access # spanning-tree portfast # switchport access vlan 50 # switchport voice vlan 10 This is the ideal way to configure and in all latest IOS Switches and in la...
Thanks Dragan/Richrad,I have these confgiurations Way 1 and Way 2 implemented both on CISCO Phones itself. Dragan, The default switch port is dynamic auto or desirable based on switch platform and can be seen on switch. I am asking about the mini sw...