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Member since ‎02-05-2012

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I am trying to connect my Access Server to my main network via the AUI port and I am not able to ping any device... could help please?Current Config:Access_Server#show runBuilding configuration...Current configuration : 1113 bytes!version 12.3service...
I have to static IP address from my ISP.  I am going to be hosting two web servers, one per IP address.  How do I get the PIX to route each external IP to the correct web server?I currently have one setup and works just fine, but I am trying to figur...
I am trying to veiw my PIX515e via the ASDM, but I am unable to...Can you review my config and make sure I have everything setup the way it is supposed to?PIX Version 8.0(4)32!hostname pixfirewalldomain-name jkkcc.comenable password DQucN59Njn0OjpJL ...
I am trying to veiw my PIX515e via the ASDM, but I am unable to...Can you review my config and make sure I have everything setup the way it is supposed to?PIX Version 8.0(4)32!hostname pixfirewalldomain-name jkkcc.comenable password DQucN59Njn0OjpJL ...
I need some help getting my Exchange Server to be able to send out emails.  Can someone review my Pix config and verify that the setting are correct so I can elminate the Pix from the problem?User Access VerificationPassword:Type help or '?' for a li...
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Member Since ‎02-05-2012 09:53 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:53 AM
Posts 89