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Level 1
Member since ‎02-02-2006

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  • 23 Posts
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  • 15 Helpful votes Received
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We have an open guest network with a web passthrough captive portal. We have random BYOD Apple IOS devices (iPhone/iPad) that will turn off the auto-join on the SSID on their own. This is causing calls to our helpdesk because users believe the networ...
Anyone experiencing issues running IOS 11 beta with an internal controller captive portal? All of our IOS 11 beta devices get an error of "cannot establish a secure connection to the server" when redirecting to the splash page. We use a real cert on ...
Is there a command either from the controller or the AP that will show me WMM AC category hits for TX and RX? I am trying to determine if the AP is sending and receiving the traffic into the (VO, VI, BE, and BK) WMM queues. I am currently running 8....
Are there any recommendations for the Client user timeout value when used in conjunction with the sleeping client DB? We have the timeout set to 600 seconds which may be too aggressive so I figured I would see what others may be using. I am having is...
Has anyone heard of what appears to be an AP stop receiving signals but still appears to be transmitting a signal. I have random 1142n APs that lose their RX neighbors in Prime infrastructure however its neighboring APs see a signal from it in their ...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎02-02-2006 11:15 AM
Date Last Visited ‎09-11-2019 02:07 AM
Posts 23
Total Helpful Votes Received 15
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