I'm using version 16.3.7 of the C3650.increase the logging buffer size to 16000 andIf you increase the logging buffer level to informational, the size goes back to 4096.Are there any setting criteria that I do not know?
hello, I want to know the command to disable tftp-server.and I want to know information about the commands in a captureIs this different from the no service tftp-server command?
ello, interface port-channel 1Catalyst 36 switchport mode trunk . . . interface gi 1/0/1 switchport mode trunk <-- do i need this command? I want to know the diffe...
hello,i want to use 'no service tftp' and 'line console 0 -> login local' .but there is no command. model name is c3650 and 16.3.9 version please answer about my question.