I have home Voip service with CallCentric. I also recently obtained a VIC-4FXS/DID=, and PVDM2-64 for my Cisco 3825 router that I use at home for testing and learning.
Is there anyway I can get it to work with my CallCentric Voip service? T...
I have home Voip service with CallCentric. I also recently obtained a VIC-4FXS/DID=, and PVDM2-64 for my Cisco 3825 router that I use at home for testing and learning.
Is there anyway I can get it to work with my CallCentric Voip service? Then...
No voice license, show lice gives the following...
Index 1 Feature: ios-ips-update
So I can't do anything unless I get a voice license. Is there anyway to get that aftermarket?
eBay, Amazon, etc?
No license.
Basically what you are saying is, with a VIC-4FXS I can't replace my Linksys PAP2T-NA that I am using now with callcentric? Unless I have the CUBE license?