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Member since ‎12-12-2006

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Hi,I want to use my 7206 as a BRAS, but I found a document saying that we can terminate session up to 1000 only. If more than, that we'll have to buy broadband user service license. To make sure I get it right, I'd like to know if they are these two ...
Hi,I have 2960 and 3560 switch. The first link between them is using GLC-LH-SM. I want to have second link using GLC-BX-U. Is it possible to use two different SFP transceiver like that? I think it shouldn't be a problem, but need expert's advice.Than...
Hi,Can I use a single fiber strand for bidirectional communication? That means tx and rx will be on the same fiber strand using different wavelength. I don't need much capacity.Thank you.BR
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Member Since ‎12-12-2006 01:34 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:53 AM
Posts 3