ndarchis wrote:I'm not the one who will fix the release notes so I can't decide to hold that.But if they doubt what you are saying, just have them contact me and I'll certify your sayings :-)It is exactly what I need, Thanks for your analysis!
kennethwold wrote:I have a 100 MB ethernet link to AT&T with my Cisco router. I have applied a few ACLs to my inteface that connects to AT&T (fa 0/0). Here are my ACLs:!interface FastEthernet0/0 ip address < omited =) > ip access-group 110 in duplex ...
jiliu2 wrote:Is 'www.cisco.com' resolved to a particular IP on your CSM server? You can try changing the DNS entry for www.cisco.com on the CSM server. Once the host file has been edited and saved, restart the server and try the signature update ag...