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Member since ‎04-08-2016

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Hello, Friends! I need your advice.I use ASA5510 on the edge on network.(I have two offices and two devices)In plan, I want to update my old devices in next year.I can add, that I need IPSEC VPN and I need Anyconnect.So, how I understand, I can buy t...
Good morning! After restore from Restore disk i have problems with configuration. (FP 6.1)My main problem - integration with Active Directory. (I have windows 2019 AD and I read about Supported Servers for Realms - 2012).1.So, where can see log on fi...
Good morning!!! I need you help again!So what i have:FMC (build 57)And I resrored OS from Resore image to my 7010 (Cisco Fire Linux OS v6.1.0 (build 37))But I have problem. I do not have EXPERT mode on my 7010, so i can not connect it to my F...
Hello! Friends! I need advice.I have FirePOWER Appliance 7010. It very old version (5.4) I want to upgrade it for version 6.4So.1.How I understand the best way - restore from ISO and configure it. Is it right?2.What need I do with Firepower Managemen...
Good morning! Friends, I need your advice!So, i have FP Sensor 7100 amd Management Center. I would like to configure everything correctly.Cisco Firepower Management Center for VMWare version.Sourcefire 3D7010 v5.4.0.11 (build 36) How I unders...
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Member Since ‎04-08-2016 07:14 AM
Date Last Visited ‎01-01-2021 05:35 AM
Posts 130
Total Helpful Votes Received 15
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