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Member since ‎10-31-2001

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I need to build a VPN usning NT 4 and a cisco 678. The network is using a private IP scheme and being NATed through the 678. I need help on setting this up. I thought about multihomeing the server with one private address and one public address. ...
I am needing to multihome an NT server. One interface will be a private IP interface, the other will be a public IP interface. The rest of the network is being NATed. Can I set up two interfaces on the 678 to handle both IP ranges? I don't have e...
I have a network with a Cisco 678 and a NT 4 server, I am performing NAT through it. I need to set up a VPN, do I have to have a public IP on the server or can I set up the 678 to use ports with the internal address? If anyone has any ideas on sett...
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Member Since ‎10-31-2001 06:28 PM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:50 AM
Posts 4