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Member since ‎01-12-2020

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Ok, so I've got a strange situation where MSS clamping (or lack thereof) is killing my web browsing (and more importantly that of my kids and wife).My current set up is an IPOE vDSL connection that is terminated with a Cisco 887VA configured as a str...
Ok, so I picked up a used Cisoc 887 to use as my home modem as the local ISP's provided modem doesnt allow for nat hairpinning.(Im with Optus in australia fwiw).My connection type is VDSL. For the first week or so everything seemed good, then it star...
So, i've hit a bit of a stumbling point - Im currently doing some testing with the nx-osv 9k switch with KVM/qemu. This is more so for lab work than anything else, however I've seemed to run into a stumbling block. When using KVM/qemu as my virtualis...
Ok, so Im just trying to get APIC-EM running and I keep running into this issue no matter what i do.I've attached a net diagram to clarify...Currently running APIC-EM Version The issue I have is that I can find one device and it wont spi...
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Member Since ‎01-12-2020 04:24 AM
Date Last Visited ‎05-17-2023 12:01 AM
Posts 9