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Member since ‎04-19-2012

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I have RADIUS from Windows 2016. It works fine until 4 days. I see error 22 in Event, security, problem with EAP. Finally, I configured the 20 AP with WPA2 without RADIUS, pre-shared key.The AP are AIR-AP1131AG-E-K9, firmware version 12.3(8)JA2, 10 o...
Hola:Tenía configurado RADIUS desde un servidor Windows 2016 Standard. Últimamente los equipos no podía conectar, da error de contraseña. Por más que resetee los puntos de acceso, o mire configuración. en el Visor de eventos, en seguridad,  da error ...
I have an AP, model AIR-LAP1041N-A-K9. How does the AP  work? How does the AP broadcast?. Is It a circle and the AP is the  center? Does the AP broadcast more front than back? Have any blind spot?I see the datasheet (
Hi:In WLC i see the roaming option to controller the handover.As the accompanying graph (, how do I up or down the threshold of the handover? or, How do I more sensitive to IP phone(NEC model MH...
Hi!I have a  WLC 5508 and 25  LAP 1041. I use two wifi, one with RADIUS for data and other with wpa-psk for voip. The problem is the voip conectivity is broken.How can i improve the handover?The NEC recomendation does not help me anything.thanks!
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Member Since ‎04-19-2012 03:50 AM
Date Last Visited ‎03-14-2019 11:42 PM
Posts 28