Thank you..For those of you that haven't upgraded to 2..0.2m and want to get rid of the IQN Pool default empty alert, here is a way to do it thru power shell scripting.Just connect to your UCSM instance and run this line. Invoke-UcsXml -XmlQuery "" ...
Thank you both for your responses.The iSCSI IP Pool was easy to identify when I did the upgrade and I applied a generic IP to it to clear the error.The one I mentioned is for the iqn pool. Which is nice you are getting an error that a pool is empty ...
Robert - I upgraded from 1.4.1i straight to 2.0.1t and I am getting the same iqn pool default is empty error.I know this is just a cosmetic error not afecting anything in the environment.But is there a work around to remove this from being visible in...
I have LDAP authentication working with no problem but I need to enable SSL.After everything was working, I went back and checked the enable SSL checkbox and I lost connectivity with the server.I also try changing the port from 389 to 636 and got sam...
I found the solution. At least it worked on my environmnet.Go to the GUI and start Disable and Enable all the ports one by one (just the server ports that are in used).You will start getting License OK on the CLI as you do this. Once you are done the...