I am currently trying to move some 5505 to 5506 ASA. My issues are that the 5505 that is currently pointed to the Old VPN concentrator using Ikev1 tunnels (Dynamic) when testing out dynamic tunnels that are connected to the 5545, My IPsec Sa's fail a...
I have a Policy set for Anyconnect Via RADIUS, which looks at the Dial-in attribute for AD. for some reason this is only being pulled for some users and not others. All the user are under the same Domain.Any thoughts? Thanks,
Current toplogy.
I was testing some VPN tunnels in my lab and noticed that the tunnels actually work before adding the NO-NAT commands
ie, NAT (inside,outiside) source static Local Local destination static Remote Remote
Is this need fo...
Hello to all,
So to start this off, I have a remote site in NY that we have a VPN connection to, and we had some DR servers setting behind this ASA, as of now this is how this location looks.
We need to move...
Hello to one and all.
Working on a project, need to restricted access to a network. end users that our domain joined, as well as mobile users, can access the network. i.e "users that have the Cisco any connect app" using AD credentials.
What wou...
I tested this out with no success. I was able to resolve this issue, so previously I had my access-list on the spoke end, for about 10 different addresses. I had to change this into one given address ie
Thanks, are there any best practice pages on Active Directory architecture. Found this one. https://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/td/docs/security/ise/2-0/ise_active_directory_integration/b_ISE_AD_integration_2x.html#tas…
Would this still apply when I can pull the attribute need from some users over others? And these users are in the same Domain same groups. and I still get the same behavior.Thanks,
Okay, I see what is going and correct me if I am wrong in any of this. If I was translating any of my inside traffic I would need NAT(NO-NAT) for the No translation of the traffi going to my remote site. Since I am not translating any of that traffic...