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Voip and SPA504G

Level 1
Level 1

I am subscribed to a managed voip provider in the UK that have onboarded my  3 phones.


I have 3 SPA504G phones that  are not specified as separate extensions as they all take the same phone number (ie without extension numbers on the end of each phone's number). The VOIP supplier says that they have done everything they can think of, to find the cause of my problem which is:

  1. The phones do not show the phone numbers uploaded to the my VOIP account with my VOIP supplier.
  2. No phone numbers appear in the director option of the phone when searched.
  3. The phones do not search on previous numbers called.
  4. The phones do not lookup the numbers in my VOIP account at the voip supplier (as they are not being stored locally).

What should I change to populate the directories in the phones?





7 Replies 7

Dan Lukes
VIP Alumni
VIP Alumni
The phones do not show the phone numbers uploaded to the my VOIP account with my VOIP supplier.

Do not show them when ?

Please describe the scenario in detail. What you are doing, what results you expect, what (different) result you got.


Just generic answer for now - not surprisingly, phone knows nothing about the numbers you uploaded somewhere. You need to configure phone to fetch them, or they needs to be pushed to phone by provider.


There are multiple ways to do it, we need to know the exact scenario as well as what methods are supported by your provider.


The VOIP supplier says that they have done everything they can think of

It may be true. Even in the case they did nothing just because they had no idea.

Unless they asked you to modify phone's configuration in a particular way, it's safe to assume they did just nothing as most "something" requires some configuration changes on your side.

"Please describe the scenario in detail. What you are doing, what results you expect, what (different) result you got."

  1. Dialling Assistance (according to the manual)
    As you start to dial a number the phone’s LCD screen will display a list of phone numbers from your directories or recent call history list that most closely match the numbers you have entered so far. Use the navigation pad to choose the desired number and then press any dial key.
    1. My phone does not do any of the dialling assistance detailed at 1.1 above because it does not display any of the list of phone numbers entered into my online voip portal account.
    2. It does not access my list of previously dialed numbers to help me dial the current number.
  2. Using the Dir option on the phone
    1. If I access the dir soft key, choose option 2 to search my personal directory, enter a key word for any known entry in my voip online directory the result is always “No Match Result”. 
  3.  Other problems:
    1. The dnd soft button only blocks calls on the current phone, not all of them. It does not communicate with the web portal at my VOIP supplier. Thus switching it off or on will not affect the other phone’s DND status. I can currently only switch of the DND status by going to the online portal.
    2. Missed calls appear on all phones, but if I redial a missed call on phone one it still appears on phones 2 and 3. For me to remove the missed calls for all phones at once I have to go on line to my web portal.
  4. Firefox does not display the full list of my online directory. It displayed just the first page. It was not able to go below it.  I have had to switch to a crome browser to use the online directory. Likewise for login to the I can not get anypassword  to work well and have to use it in the crome browser to login to this site. Firefox is not a problem on other sites nor is any password.  PS I am using ubuntu 18.04 os.
  5. I can not access the admin functions on the web portal for one of my phones. According to a comment I found on this site I should be able to ask my VOIP supplier to change the password via onboarding. My voip supplier claim that is not possible. I set up a admin password when I followed the onboarding instructions, but the password  no longer gives me access to the admin level of the phone.  

OK. Firefox issue has no relationship to phone at all, so please ask in more appropriate place.

Access to phone's WWW UI depends on flavor of phone you have. So called RC phones (look at sticker attached on bottom of phone) are locked to particular provider  Only such provider (not your current provider) may grant access to you.


According rest of issues ...


All features you are speaking of are NOT part of standard VoIP/SIP. Some features may be satisfied by other method/standards (1,2), some are requiring a proprietary solution from your provider (3).

Phone can access remote phone directory via LDAP protocol. If such protocol is supported by your provider, ask them for configuration details. If not supported, then the numbers you entered somewhere are unknown to phone.


Distributed DND requires proprietary support from your provider. If supported, ask them for details. If unsupported, you need to reevaluate your wishes or change the provider.

I have had access to the phone UI. It is now that I can not get to the admin level, before I did so.  The other levels I can access.  Do you know if the Voip provider is able to change the admin password via onboarding? Back in 2017 you commented that was possible and I have been quoting your comment to them. Assuming your 2017 comment still applies, how is the change done? 


My voip supplier has confirmed in the past that 1,2 is part of their service and that they do not understand why I am not getting those options. All their other clients do have them including those using the same type of phone. Have you any idea what could be blocking my access as my phones are  not RC phones? 


BTW the voip supplier provides a managed service that includes the options which I am having trouble using. 


Reset phone to factory default to get access. I don't know what "onboarding" mean but if you grant someone right to change phone's configuration, then he can change it with no limit.


My voip supplier has confirmed in the past that 1,2 is part of their service and that they do not understand why I am not getting those options.

Well, but we still don't know how they are providing such service. Which protocol/standard they are using for it ? What' the configuration of such service ? No way to judge why it doesn't work until we know how it should work.


I have a guide that I followed that was sent to me by my voip provider to manually reconfigure a cisco spa500 series ip phone to work on the broadsoft broadcloud pbx network. Does that give a satisfactory answer to your last para above?


Is there a way to hard factory reset the phone? For example are there a set of jumpers that can be connected to on the phone's board internal board that will produce a factory reset. I note that in the manual reconfiguration guide the comment "The device must be returned to the cisco factory default configuration before it can be used on any network other than the Broadsoft broadcloud  pbx". This implies that there is a hardware method of reaching the factory default state. 

reconfigure a cisco spa500 series ip phone to work on the broadsoft broadcloud pbx network

Great. Now we know we are speaking about Broadsoft's flavor of cooperation/configuration. Unfortunately, protocols used here are proprietary extension of Broadsoft with no public documentation available. You should contact Broadsoft's support, but paid support contract may be required.

 There's not so much you can do itself. Turn on and catch syslog&debug messages (highest level possible). Catch all network packets send/received by your phone as well. It may help you (or us if you disclose them) to guess the cause.


Is there a way to hard factory reset the phone?

Trigger "Factory Reset" in your's phone menu.