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Anyconnect 3.1 and user certificate-based authentication

Chian Chong Wong
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

Hi experts,

I'm trying to test a basic full tunnel VPN connection from Anyconnect 3.1 installed on a Windows 7 machine to a Cisco ASA, using only certificate authentication.

Steps i took:

1) I've created a Windows 2008 certificate authority for testing, and imported the root CA certificate into both the Windows 7 client and into Cisco ASA

2) I generated a certificate signing request on the W7 client, got that signed by W2008 CA and imported the signed certificate into W7. Both user certificate and root CA are in the personal certificate store

3) On ASA, I've also generated a certificate signing request, got that signed by W2008 CA and imported the signed certificate back in ASA

I then used ASDM to configure ASA to support Anyconnect on its untrust interface.

When I use Anyconnect on the W7 client to connect to ASA, I got "No valid certificates available for authentication" and "certificate validation failure" messages as seen in the below screenshot

Screen Shot 2014-02-18 at 10.35.27 pm.png

I can confirm that both user and root CA certificate exist in the personal certificate store

Screen Shot 2014-02-18 at 10.37.38 pm.png

Screen Shot 2014-02-18 at 10.37.52 pm.png

The corresponding ASA configuration and debug output are shown in the attached txt file. On the ASA, I've made sure its ID certificate has CN=<public IP of ASA> since I don't have a DNS setup in place.

Can anyone suggest what could be wrong with my setup?

4 Replies 4

Marvin Rhoads
Hall of Fame
Hall of Fame

I believe the root CA certificate should go in your client's trusted root CA store. Your text doesn't say that but the screenshots indicate you have.

On the ASA, have you setup the SSL Settings (Configuration > Remote Access VPN > Advanced > SSL Settings) to bind the Trustpoint to the interface?

Hi Marvin,

Yes the root CA certificate is in the trusted root CA store of the W7 client's personal certificate store. I have also bound the trustpoint to the untrust interface.

crypto ca trustpoint ASA-ID-TP

enrollment terminal


subject-name CN=

crl configure

ssl trust-point ASA-ID-TP untrust

I'll try to see if I can get anything from DART..

Chian Chong Wong
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

Problem has been fixed by using IP address instead of hostname in the Anyconnect Client profile, since I don't have a DNS setup in my environment.

Screen Shot 2014-02-19 at 2.43.59 pm.png

Once that is done I was able to connect and authenticate using user certificates.

ASA1# sh vpn-sessiondb detail anycon

Session Type: AnyConnect Detailed

Username     : cisco                  Index        : 2

Assigned IP  :             Public IP    :

Protocol     : IKEv2 IPsecOverNatT AnyConnect-Parent

License      : AnyConnect Premium

Encryption   : AES256                 Hashing      : none SHA1

Bytes Tx     : 0                      Bytes Rx     : 30758

Pkts Tx      : 0                      Pkts Rx      : 195

Pkts Tx Drop : 0                      Pkts Rx Drop : 0

Group Policy : GroupPolicy_VPN-CP1    Tunnel Group : VPN-CP1

Login Time   : 06:40:49 UTC Wed Feb 19 2014

Duration     : 0h:07m:38s

Inactivity   : 0h:00m:00s

NAC Result   : Unknown

VLAN Mapping : N/A                    VLAN         : none

IKEv2 Tunnels: 1

IPsecOverNatT Tunnels: 1

AnyConnect-Parent Tunnels: 1


  Tunnel ID    : 2.1

  Public IP    :

  Encryption   : none                   Auth Mode    : Certificate

  Idle Time Out: 30 Minutes             Idle TO Left : 22 Minutes

  Client Type  : AnyConnect

  Client Ver   : 3.1.05152


  Tunnel ID    : 2.2

  UDP Src Port : 50530                  UDP Dst Port : 4500

  Rem Auth Mode: Certificate

  Loc Auth Mode: rsaCertificate

  Encryption   : AES256                 Hashing      : SHA1

  Rekey Int (T): 86400 Seconds          Rekey Left(T): 85941 Seconds

  PRF          : SHA1                   D/H Group    : 5

  Filter Name  :

  Client OS    : Windows


  Tunnel ID    : 2.3

  Local Addr   :

  Remote Addr  :

  Encryption   : AES256                 Hashing      : SHA1

  Encapsulation: Tunnel

  Rekey Int (T): 28800 Seconds          Rekey Left(T): 28341 Seconds

  Rekey Int (D): 4608000 K-Bytes        Rekey Left(D): 4607970 K-Bytes

  Idle Time Out: 30 Minutes             Idle TO Left : 29 Minutes

  Bytes Tx     : 0                      Bytes Rx     : 31218

  Pkts Tx      : 0                      Pkts Rx      : 196


  Reval Int (T): 0 Seconds              Reval Left(T): 0 Seconds

  SQ Int (T)   : 0 Seconds              EoU Age(T)   : 459 Seconds

  Hold Left (T): 0 Seconds              Posture Token:

  Redirect URL :

Hey Chian Chong Wong, can you able to share the ASA config with me?