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AnyConnect Activation issues

Level 1
Level 1

Recently performed activation of AnyConnect SSL licenses

First site has a ASA5510 - After entering the activation key (as depicted in pdf from licensing)  After a save and a reload My BotNet Traffic Filter was disabled.

Re-entering the key did not help. Licensing now has me taking the ASA back to initial config and then enabling functionality

Second Site has a ASA5505 - After entering the activation key (as depicted in pdf from licensing)  After a save and a reload the User licenses dropped back to 10 Users (from 50 which had been functioning prior to adding the AnyConnect licenses)  Still waiting on directions to correct meanwhile the 35 users at the location are in a first come first served as far as accessing internet

Just observations  Curious whether anyone else has experienced like situations

2 Replies 2

If you experienced undesirable or unexpected behavior when upgrading feature sets, I would contact Cisco TAC to rectify and help clarify the issue.

Thank you Christopher

The TAC cases have been opened, (ASA5510 case closed) .

The cases got referred to Cisco Customer Service (I guess because they are licensing issues).

It has been now over a week waiting.for some one to get back to me. I am not use to this type of service from Cisco.

The ASA5505 had a 50 user license. It dropped back to a 10 user license (for a 40 person office) after trying to add Anyconnect licenses.  So it was kind of a crap shoot as to whether user would get to go to the Internet or not.......

I temporarily replaced the ASA5505 with another 50 user licensed unit until I get the SSL  licensing corrected.

Not everyone has a spare ASA laying around to rectify a situation like this.

My reason for starting this,  was to inquire  if anyone else was experiencing/had experienced the same sort of issue.

As a solution to ASA5510,  they had me take the unit back to a basic configuration and then start adding features back in. It corrected the problem.

