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AnyConnect installation

Level 1
Level 1

Does anyone have a suggestion where to put the profile xml file in order to hav

e that incorporated as a part of installing the AnyConnect client?


5 Replies 5

Level 1
Level 1

Which OS?

It should go wherever AnyConnectProfile.xsd lives which on Win 7 is C:\ProgramData\Cisco\Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client\Profile.

We are talking about Windows 7and I'm looking for a way to have th

e profiles included as a part of the installation.

Hi Peter

Did you find the answer?

I am having the same issue.

As instructed in the Admin Guide - I have tried extracting the ISO image to a local drive then adding the profile.xml to \anyconnect-win-3.0.1047-pre-deploy-k9\Profiles\nam\profile.xml. I then run the Setup from this location. The result is that the profile is installed in \ProgramData\Cisco\Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client\Network Access Manager\newConfigFiles.  However the profile is ignored.....

I can not get the client to show the networks configured in the profile.xml.

There must be something I am missing?


No good answers right now..... I tried to put the file in different places with no success.

I will update this post when I have more information


I ran Procmon (from Microsoft Sysinternals) against the Anyconnect 3.0 client while restarting the Anyconnect services and noti

ced two things. First, the application does a query against the VPN profile directory for *.xml. Thus any file name .xml would work for the VPN profile name as indicated in the documentation.

Secondly, the NAM configuration is looking specifically for a file called configuration.xml. This worked for me.