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Anyconnect works on my PC, why not my Mac?

Level 1
Level 1

Using Anyconnect, I can connect to my office network via my home PC, but not my home Mac. What gives?

This is the message I get when I try connecting thru my mac:

The AnyConnect package on the secure gateway could not be located. You may be experiencing network connectivity issues. Please try connecting again.

If it helps, my computer at work is a Mac, but our IT guys are not very familiar with Apple computers. And, I know about as much about our servers as they do Macs.

Thanks for any help.

7 Replies 7

Jennifer Halim
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

You would need to install the mac version of AnyConnect package on the ASA, that's why you are having the error message:

The AnyConnect package on the secure gateway could not be located.

Please kindly install the MAC version of the AnyConnect package to your ASA.

Is that something I can do, or does my server admin have to do this?

Second, does this require opening a port? I know they said they did not want to open any ports. However, not sure why they would have to do this on a mac if they dont on pc's.

Thanks again so much.

It is something that the admin needs to do. Admin would need to add the MAC version of the AnyConnect package onto the headend device (possibly an ASA firewall).

No need to open any other ports for MAC. If PC can connect and access the network, MAC would also be the same.

The only thing required is for admin to add the MAC AnyConnect package to the headend device.

Hope that helps.


I am having the same issue, upgraded Mac OSX to new Capitan version and same error.

The only funny is that on the Cisco ACS the authentication is successful. User connected but on the Mac it says The AnyConnect package on the secure gateway could not be located. 

I'm not using AD just ACS database to authenticate.

Cisco AnyConnect is version 4.2

Cisco ACS version

Why is this still a thing?  I am trying to connect to an ASA from a Mac in 2016 and Cisco have still not seen fit to just add the Mac AnyConnect client as a matter of course.  Are you waiting to see whether this OSX thing is gonna take off?

Tuvisteis éxito? El administrador te agregó en el ASA el paquete de annyconect?


There is a version of Cisco Anyconnect available for Mac OS X and it has been available for years. I'm using a mac for more than 10 years and I always been using Anyconnect without major issues - no more than you have with Anyconnect on Windows.

You can download the Anyconnect client from Cisco:

Choose AnyConnect Pre-Deployment Package (Mac OS).

You have to have a valid support contract with Cisco in order to be able to download Anyconnect.

It installs flawless on your mac and it just works if server side VPN and authentication is correctly configured.

Regards, LG
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