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Cisco WSA - X-Forwarded-For header per domain

Tomas R.
Level 1
Level 1

Hi all,


I would like to kindly ask you whether is possible to add header X-Forwarded-For on domain basis? It means add it to the requests for domains, but not I know i can enable it globally for all http requests, but I do not want to do that.


I would say this is not possible but maybe I overlooked something.


Thank you



4 Replies 4

Level 1
Level 1



  • This was in the CWS doc. Are you referring to the WSA?

  • Enter the HTTP Header Name. For example, DNT. You cannot use the following headers as they are used by the Cisco Cloud Web Security service:

    • Accept-Datetime
    • Authorization
    • Cache-Control
    • Connection
    • Cookie
    • Content-Length
    • Content-MD5
    • Content-Type
    • Date
    • Expect
    • From
    • Host
    • If-Match
    • If-Modified-Since
    • If-None-Match
    • If-Range
    • If-Unmodified-Since
    • Max-Forwards
    • Pragma
    • Proxy-Authorization
    • Proxy-Connection
    • Range
    • Referer
    • Upgrade
    • Via
    • Warning
    • X-Forwarded-For
    • X-Forwarded-Proto

Hi, yes I am referring to WSA appliance. Regards Tomas

You can add it for a single domain.


I took this from the help file on 8.7.0... (searched for "add headers")



Adding Custom Headers To Web Requests

 1. Access the CLI.

 2. Use the advancedproxyconfig -> customheaders commands to access the required submenus:> advancedproxyconfig

Choose a parameter group:

- AUTHENTICATION - Authentication related parameters

- CACHING - Proxy Caching related parameters

- DNS - DNS related parameters

- EUN - EUN related parameters

- NATIVEFTP - Native FTP related parameters

- FTPOVERHTTP - FTP Over HTTP related parameters

- HTTPS - HTTPS related parameters

- SCANNING - Scanning related parameters

- PROXYCONN - Proxy connection header related parameters

- CUSTOMHEADERS - Manage custom request headers for specific domains

- MISCELLANEOUS - Miscellaneous proxy related parameters

- SOCKS - SOCKS Proxy parameters

[]> customheaders

Currently defined custom headers:

Choose the operation you want to perform:

- DELETE - Delete entries

- NEW - Add new entries

- EDIT - Edit entries


 3. Enter the required subcommand as follows:




Deletes the custom header you identify. Identify the header to delete using the number associated with the header in the list returned by the command.


Creates the header you provide for use with the domain or domains you specify.

Example header:

X-YouTube-Edu-Filter: ABCD1234567890abcdef

(The value in this case is a unique key provided by YouTube.)

Example domain:


Replaces an existing header with one you specify. Identify the header to delete using the number associated with the header in the list returned by the command.

 4. Press Enter until you return to the main command interface.

 5. Commit your changes.


this one I found as well. As per my understanding this will add a static value to the header. But X-Forwarded-For is header which is dynamically filled with the original client IP address from the request. I cannot test it since our WSA do not have a required version.

Thank your for your answers.

