Hi! I am trying to set up a Webex meetings integration with Moodle LMS through Webex Education Connector.
I am using this guide to set it all up, and I've followed all necessary steps.
Now I could see a webex menu inside my Moodle installation, but when I click to join a meeting from this menu, I find myself on page with url https://tdhub.webex.com/cmp3300/webcomponents/widget/invaliddomain.do with next message:
"Домен URL-адреса заблокирован настройками, которые не были включены администратором веб-сайта. За дополнительной информацией обратитесь к администратору веб-сайта."
I've checked twice CORS allowed domains list, it contains lti.educonnector.io as per guide. Now there is nothing else I can do.
I am asking for help, thank you.