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Cole Callahan
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

With the recent release of the noise removal feature in Webex, we want to hear how YOU are using it! 

In less than 50 words, respond to this post sharing how the noise removal feature is helping you stay focused or saving you from any embarrassing moments. By responding to this post, you will be entered into a giveaway for a FREE Cisco 730 headset! This post will stay active for the entire month of March. We will randomly select a winner and reach out to them directly in the first week of April. 

As a part of Webex's mission to make the meeting experience 10x better, the noise removal feature filters out any distracting noises with the click of a button. Using our advanced audio processing technology, your focus in a meeting won't be compromised by the harsh sound of garbage trucks, whistling air conditioners, or even your neighbor's blaring music. There are numerous occasions this feature can work for YOU.


If you haven't had the chance to use the noise removal feature, check out these links to help get you started and download the Quick Start Guide attached


Respond to this post and share how you are using the noise removal feature! Your response will enter you into a giveaway for a FREE Cisco 730 Headset! 

Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

Thursday is landscaping day in my community and they always seem to be working by my window when I have meetings. This feature has been great in eliminating the lawnmower noise while I'm in meetings. Sometimes I have a hard time hearing others because of how loud it is outside of my window and they never have any issues hearing me and my audio is always crystal clear. 

Cole Callahan
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

Thank you all for responding to this post. We LOVE what we are hearing from you. Thank you all for your honest and fun feedback!
I have updated the original post and added a Quick Start Guide and gif for users and admins to share the Noise Removal feature with their team. Enjoy!

Level 4
Level 4

@Cole Callahan QSG is useful, thanks

Level 1
Level 1

The noise removal feature really helps my job, especially when doing conference calls in very noisy public spaces such as cafes and open spaces

Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

Working from home and sharing office space with my husband in an open environment made it impossible to sit right next to each other when being on calls. With the noise cancelling feature this is now possible and I don't have to move to a different spot in the house that often. Great work!

Level 1
Level 1

After I got to experience these features, it was really fun.
Almost all of our employees use Webex and we use notebook devices that do not have noise cancellation or noise reduction features.
With the noise removal feature at Webex, we don't need to invest in replacing our notebooks or buying headsets instead.
We've saved a lot of money with Webex's noise feature. Thank Cisco, this is a very good innovation.

Jasper Lampitoc
Level 1
Level 1

This new feature is just great!

- No more disturbances

- No more worries!


Keep it up!

Level 1
Level 1

Its a great feature and I am using it. The audio output resembles the output from a directional microphone (which minimize the unwanted backgroud noise).

Thank you.

Level 1
Level 1

Need to focus stop the noise. 

Level 1
Level 1

I am using the noise canceling feature at home were my printer is also working the whole time through the work of my wife. She still needs to print a lot for school and thanks to the noise canceling no othere people inside a WebEx recognize any of it!

Level 1
Level 1

Noise cancellation changes "work from home" to "work from anywhere!" What once was an internet connection has become a private office space offering clear communication in any environment. 

Level 1
Level 1

Noise Removal feature was always on my wish list when it comes to online collaboration through Webex.This feature not only helps in enhancing the concentration with the meetings but also makes you sound like a professional (while the world is upside down around you )

I am looking forward at using Cisco 730 headset which will further enhance the noise cancelling feature for my meetings. In the times when most of the professionals are teleworking, this feature comes up as a blessings. I have been using this feature for a while now and my co workers have seen a drastic change in my audio quality, I was more than happy to share about this new feature and asked them to further pass on this enhancement

Additionally the noise cancelling also helps in staying healthy in terms of sleep and deprivation disorder (too much exposure to noise has serious health implications in long run)


Level 1
Level 1

With a noise free head set , I could take more cisco certifications

Level 1
Level 1

The 'Work From Home' - was at the same time a curse and boom; we got to stay home for a long while but, at the same time we kids, pets and siblings worked with us. So in my home 4 were working from home; me, my sister, my brother-in-law and mom. most of the times meetings will overlap or dad would be watching TV and the Noise cancellation feature helped me a lot through it. I have heard my colleagues complaining about others in the meeting for running TV in the background or not using a headset at a Meeting (echo). Thanks to Webex; I never had such issues. Thank you Webex

Level 1
Level 1

I like it - it helps when teleworking!

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