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Level 10


In Location Appliance Version 2.0.x The applications that provide Telnet service are installed on the Location Appliance, but are not enabled by default. SSH service is installed, as well, and is usually enabled by default, which makes the Location Appliance SSH accessible once it is addressed over the console session, and IP accessible. Refer to Installation and Configuration Guide for more information.

In Location Appliance Version 2.1.x:

Note: SSHv1 is no longer supported on location appliances that run version 2.1.x. You need to use a SSHv2 client.

You need to do this configuration during the setup in order to enable the SSHV2 on the location appliance.

  1. Remote root login is currently disabled.

  2. Configure remote root access? (Y)es/(S)kip/(U)se default [Yes] In order to enable root login over secure shell for this machine, choose Yes. This allows a root login both from the console and the SSH. Otherwise, choose Skip. If you choose to leave remote root login disabled, then a root login can only occur from the console.

  3. Enable remote root login (yes/no) [no] Choose Yes in order to allow remote login through SSH in addition to console login. Choose No in order to allow root login only from the console. Once that is enabled, you can use SSHv2 in order to access the IP address of the Ethernet port on the server.

You can login with the use of the root and run the /opt/locserver/setup/ in order to rerun the setup script at any time in order to change the settings.

Refer to these notes for more detailed information:

  • The setup script generates a log file that can be found at /opt/locserver/logs/

  • There is no way to turn Telnet access on and it is not enabled.

  • Location services are anchored on time synchronization across the network. If there is an NTP server or relay that is in-house, it is in the best interest of location services if all the controllers and the Location Appliance are configured to synchronize with it. Ensure that the timezones are accurately set across all controllers and the Location Appliance as well. Recall that US timezones are negative (-) offsets from UTC; eastern European timezones are positive (+).

  • The adjustment of the timezone takes 12 to 24 hours in order to take full effect, so the APs that exist ideally do not have a problem. When there are future conversions of AP to LWAPP, make sure that the PC that hosts the Upgrade Tool is in synchronization with the NTP server and that it has the timezone set correctly. Typically, the perception of time of the PC is the basis with which the Upgrade Tool uses to build the SSC. In addition, a number of those time based problems are resolved in the Upgrade Tool 2.01, so if that version is used and the time is synchronized, it is unlikely that there is a problem in the future. 

Refer to additional sections such as the Configuring NTP Server section of Release Notes for Cisco 2700 and 2710 Location Appliances for Software Release for more information on how to configure the NTP settings.

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Configure / Configuration issues

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Technical product specification / features.


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