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Level 10
Level 10


A repeater access point (AP) can be set up to authenticate to your network like other wireless client devices.  After a network username and password is provided for the repeater AP, it authenticates to your network using Light Extensible Authentication Protocol (LEAP). LEAP is Cisco's wireless authentication method, and receives and uses dynamic Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) keys. On the repeater access point, you must enable the same cipher suite or WEP encryption method and WEP features that are enabled on the parent access point. 

Access Points configured as Repeater APs support:

  • LEAP
  • Cisco Extensible Authentication Protocol-Flexible Authentication via Secure Tunneling (EAP-FAST)
  • Wi-Fi Protected Access-Pre-Shared Key (WPA-PSK)

Note: Repeater access points support only the native VLAN. You cannot configure multiple VLANs on a repeater access point. Also, Repeater access points do not support wireless domain services (WDS). Do not configure a repeater access point as a WDS candidate, and do not configure a WDS access point to fall back to repeater mode in case of Ethernet failure.

For information on configure the Repeater AP for LEAP authentication, refer to the Setting  Up a Repeater as a LEAP Client section of Configuring Repeater and Standby Access Points.

For information on configure the Repeater AP for WPA-PSK, refer to the Setting  Up a Repeater as a WPA Client section of Configuring Repeater and Standby Access Points.

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Technical product specification / features


Access point

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