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Rajan Parmar
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

This is a two-step process.


Step 1: Need to add the FlexConnect AP to a FlexConnect Group.
Step 2: Need to configure a FlexConnect ACL (to specify the local traffic-of-interest), and map it to that FlexConnect Group.

For step 1
As in the image, Add the FlexConnectAPintoFlexconnectGroup, from the General tab of the FlexConnectGroup:
- We select the check-mark for Add AP -> Select APs from current controller
- Select the name of the FlexConnect AP
- Click Add.


For step 2
As in the image, ConfigureSplitACL.png, as attached, let's say that :
- we do want traffic of / 16, to access the local resources.
- we do not want traffic of any other n/w to access the local resources.

As in the image, MapSplitACLToFlexConnectGroup.png,
- we can map that FlexConnect ACL to the FlexConnectGroup.

After navigating to FlexConnectGroup->ACL Mapping->WLAN-ACL Mapping-> LocalSplit ACL Mapping, we do the following:
- We enter the name of the WLAN-ID in the box Wlan Id,
- Select the name of the FlexConnect ACL in the drop-down menu: Local Split ACL,
- Click Add.



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