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Level 10





How to update Access Point firmware using TFTP when it is not possible to perform update through the HTTP interface.




Using the HTTP method to upgrade the firmware does not always work. In those cases, the best option is to use the TFTP method which is telnet. The TFTP method is more stable and can also help in circumstances where the Access Point (AP) firmware is to be overwritten due to shortage of Flash memory.


To upgrade the firmware through TFTP, perform these steps:


  • Extract and install the TFTP server software.


  • Copy the downloaded image file for AP in the same directory where the TFTP is installed. To verify that the image is in the correct location, click on the Show Dir button, and verify that the image is listed along with other files.


  • On the Telnet session of the AP, type this command:


    AP# archive download-sw /force-reload /overwrite tftp://ip address/image 
    filename (for e.g c1200-k9w7-tar.123-4.JA.tar )


Preparing to Download or Upload a Configuration File by Using TFTP


Before you begin downloading or uploading a configuration file by using TFTP, perform these tasks:


  • Ensure that the workstation acting as the TFTP server is properly configured. On a Sun workstation, make sure that the /etc/inetd.conf file contains this line:


tftp dgram udp wait root /usr/etc/in.tftpd in.tftpd -p -s /tftpboot


Make sure that the /etc/services file contains this line:


tftp 69/udp


Note          You must restart the inetd daemon after modifying the /etc/inetd.conf and /etc/services files. To restart the daemon, either stop the inetd process and restart it, or enter a fastboot command (on the SunOS 4.x) or a reboot command (on Solaris 2.x or SunOS 5.x). For more information on the TFTP daemon, refer to the documentation for your workstation.


  • Ensure that the access point has a route to the TFTP server. The access point and the TFTP server must be in the same subnetwork if you do not have a router to route traffic between subnets. Check connectivity to the TFTP server by using the ping command.
  • Ensure that the configuration file to be downloaded is in the correct directory on the TFTP server (usually /tftpboot on a UNIX workstation).
  • For download operations, ensure that the permissions on the file are set correctly. The permission on the file should be world-read.
  • Before uploading the configuration file, you might need to create an empty file on the TFTP server. To create an empty file, enter the touch filename command, where filename is the name of the file you will use when uploading it to the server.
  • During upload operations, if you are overwriting an existing file (including an empty file, if you had to create one) on the server, ensure that the permissions on the file are set correctly. Permissions on the file should be world-write.


Downloading the Configuration File by Using TFTP


To configure the access point by using a configuration file downloaded from a TFTP server, follow these steps:


Step 1          Copy the configuration file to the appropriate TFTP directory on the workstation.

Step 2          Verify that the TFTP server is properly configured by referring to the "Preparing to Download or Upload a Configuration File by Using TFTP" section.

Step 3          Log into the access point through a Telnet session.

Step 4          Download the configuration file from the TFTP server to configure the access point.


Specify the IP address or host name of the TFTP server and the name of the file to download.


Use one of these privileged EXEC commands:


  • copy tftp:[[[//location]/directory]/filename] system:running-config
  • copy tftp:[[[//location]/directory]/filename] nvram:startup-config


The configuration file downloads, and the commands are executed as the file is parsed line-by-line.


This example shows how to configure the software from the file tokyo-confg at IP address


ap# copy tftp:// system:running-config

Configure using tokyo-confg from [confirm] y

Booting tokyo-confg from!!! [OK - 874/16000 bytes]

Uploading the Configuration File by Using TFTP


Uploading the Configuration File by Using TFTP


To upload a configuration file from an access point to a TFTP server for storage, follow these steps:


Step 1          Verify that the TFTP server is properly configured by referring to the "Preparing to Download or Upload a Configuration File by Using TFTP" section.

Step 2          Log into the access point through a Telnet session.

Step 3          Upload the access point configuration to the TFTP server. Specify the IP address or host name of the TFTP server and the destination filename.


Use one of these privileged EXEC commands:


  • copy system:running-config tftp:[[[//location]/directory]/filename]
  • copy nvram:startup-config tftp:[[[//location]/directory]/filename]


The file is uploaded to the TFTP server.


This example shows how to upload a configuration file from an access point to a TFTP server:


ap# copy system:running-config tftp://

Write file tokyo-confg on host [confirm] y


Writing tokyo-confg!!! [OK]


Problem Type





Access point


Product OS



Device Access Method

GUI Interface


Reference Link

TFTP upgrade Copying Image Files by Using TFTP.

Free TFTP server Download TFTP Server.

Level 1
Level 1


Currently i have one Cisco AP 1850 series (AIR-AP1852E-C-K9C), software version I wan to update the software for this AP to software version via tftp. The connection between the AP and the TFTP server succesful which I can see my TFTP server shows 100%  and my AP pre-downloading status shows completed. After that, i reboot the AP and few minutes later, after the AP succesfully boot up, i check the software version still hold the old software version, I have tried 3 times, but still unsuccesfully update the software version. Is anyone can help me on this?

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