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Level 5
Level 5

The Collaboration Consortium recently finished our second year operating as a community of practice. Our research agenda for this past year focused on the best practices and lessons learned about the adoption of collaboration/Web2.0 technologies and practices. The Adoption Working Group, comprised of representatives from BG Group, PepsiCo, RAND Corporation, Statoil and Cisco, are very please to share our findings in the attached 2011 report. Case study examples from most of the members were used to justify our recommendations and covered topics about: connecting people and communities, accelerating product development, enabling a mobile workforce, and identifying expertise location. Our focus was on the process, governance, people and culture attributes of collaboration.

Besides assessing member internal collaboration efforts, we also assessed our inter-company collaboration effectiveness as a Consortium using the Collaboration Success Wizard, developed by the University of California, Irvine. The results from the assessment provided direction for changes in year 3. We will resume in September with a research focus on process enablement through collaboration and social media.

Background on the Collaboration Consortium, the Collaboration Framework, and our comprehensive year 1 report is available here:

Making Collaboration a Reality: Insights from the Collaboration Consortium, Year One

We appreciate all reactions, feedback and questions.    ...f

Level 5
Level 5
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