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This document was generated from CDN thread

Created by: Janine Graves on 16-08-2007 05:05:32 PM
Are you aware that some of the dtd's that are installed in the CVP/Server/dtds directory have errors in them?

I was using the ActionResponse.dtd and the DecisionResponse.dtd and both loaded into my XML Editor with errors. It's easy to fix the error within the dtd, but I thought it was odd that you ship with these errors.

I tried the Audium dtds and the CVP 3.1 and CVP 4.0 dtds and they all had the same error.

Are you planning to fix this in some future release?

Subject: RE: dtd
Replied by: null on 17-08-2007 02:08:39 AM
Hi Janine,

Thats interesting, we did not know about these errors. Then again, the DTDs you refer to have to do with the XML API and for various reasons VXML Server does not require the documents using the XML API to reference these DTDs. VXML Server also does not use the DTD to parse the XML either, so they are really meant as reference.

But please could you list what are the errors you are seeing and I'll open up an issue internally here to fix them. They could appear in the next release.

Thanks for the heads up!

Subject: RE: dtd
Replied by: Janine Graves on 17-08-2007 03:11:36 AM
the error is in this line, and it's probably due to the extra unpaired closing round bracket just before the '>'.


You could probably just do a global search thru all of the dtd's for this error. I only tried the ActionResponse.dtd and the DecisionResponse.dtd and both had the same error.

I've never had students press me for examples of using the XML API, so I've never really played with the dtd's before. So this was the first that I've noticed it.

Thanks! Janine

Subject: RE: dtd
Replied by: null on 17-08-2007 03:22:22 PM
Thanks Janine.

The markup you posted didn't come out. You may want to try to use the code tag surrounding it so it will show up in the forums.

Yeah I did check out that DTD and saw the missing parentheses. Curiously my DTD viewer did not complain about that. But I'll put in a notice to look at them and fix them.

Thanks again.

Subject: RE: dtd
Replied by: Janine Graves on 20-08-2007 06:34:40 AM
another thing to note, the documentation says that the "serial" attribute can be left out. But, my XML editor thinks the "serial" attribute is required. So perhaps you should look over the dtd's for that as well. Again, I looked at the ActionResponse and the DecisionResponse dtds.

Thanks, Janine

Subject: RE: dtd
Replied by: null on 20-08-2007 10:47:27 PM

There is no serial attribute in the ActionResponse and DecisionResponse DTDs there is for DecisionElementConfiguration and ActionElementConfiguration (and also VoiceElementConfiguration) DTDs.

The reason the documentation says you don't need them is because the DTD is used for both the documents created by Studio as well as those used in the XML API. The serial attribute is really used as a tag for different Studio instances to put in there so you can see which Studio created the XML file. That isn't needed for the XML API, but since it shares the same DTD, the DTD editor will say that it is required. Since Call Services does not use the DTD to validate the incoming XML it will not complain if there is no serial attribute.
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