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Created by: Xu Wei on 03-12-2010 02:48:49 AM
Now I face a problem about CVP, I need to send some data form ICM to CVP, in the CVP I use the CVP_Subdialog_Start to receive data from ICM. In the Element Specifications document , the description about CVP_Subdialog_Start is that:
Data can be passed to the VoiceXML application either as HTTP parameters or VoiceXML parameters (using the <param> tag).  In the first case (i.e. as HTTP parameters), Call Services will automatically create session data using the name of the data received.  In the second case (i.e. as VoiceXML parameters), the Subdialog Start element must be configured appropriately in order for the data to be available as element or session data for the duration of the call session.  For each data passed as a VoiceXML parameter, the repeatable \¿Parameter\¿ setting must be configured with the same exact name as the data.  
So in the ICM I set the user.microapp.ToExtVXML[0] to be : "concatenate("application=ReportAgentID;",concatenate("AgentID=",Call.PeripheralVariable1))", before this element I use the Set Variable  Element to set Call.PeripheralVariable1 to be: "123456".  So I can get an session named AgentID in the CVP, right? According to the document I should set the paramenter to be: AgentID .Then I should get the session named AgentID, but now I don't get it , I use Descide Element to judge the session , teh result is that the AgentID session is not exit. I 'm so confused. Is there something wrong about that.
The version of CVP and ICM is 7.0(1) , 7.5

Appreciate for you help.
now I change the CVP_Subdialog_Start to be nothing, left it blank, now I receivd the AgentID sessoon, but I can't get it's value, it's empty, what can I do?

Subject: Re: New Message from Xu Wei in Customer Voice Portal (CVP) - General Discus
Replied by: Janine Graves on 03-12-2010 03:17:11 AM
You're basically right, so perhaps some detail in your ICM script is wrong.
You have to set
user.microapp.UseVxmlParams to "N"
user.microapp.ToExtVXML[0] to
(I think you had an extra concatenate that you didn't need and perhaps
that broke the syntax)
set user.microapp.app_media_lib to ".."
set user.microapp.media_server to "http://VxmlServerIp:7000/CVP/Server

Then in your Studio app, you should be able to access at runtime
{Data.Session.AgentID} (it's all case-sensitive, as you know).
The variable name will NOT show up in the substitution window, but if
you enter it from your keyboard so you end up with a reference that
looks like this {Data.Session.AgentID} then you should be able to access
it at runtime.

If the data was passed from ICM, you will also see it in the
VxmlServer's activity log for this application:

If there's an error in your syntax in ICM or if the ToExtVxml array
isn't large enough to hold your data - then you might find an error in
the CallServer log in C:\Cisco\CVP\logs\CVP.YYYYMMDD.log or


On 12/2/2010 9:49 PM, Cisco Developer Community Forums wrote:
> Xu Wei has created a new message in the forum "General Discussion -
> All Versions":
> --------------------------------------------------------------
> Now I face a problem about CVP, I need to send some data form ICM to
> CVP, in the CVP I use the CVP_Subdialog_Start to receive data from
> ICM. In the Element Specifications document , the description about
> CVP_Subdialog_Start is that:
> Â
> *Data can be passed to the VoiceXML application either as HTTP
> parameters or VoiceXML parameters (using the <param> tag). In the
> first case (i.e. as HTTP parameters), Call Services will automatically
> create session data using the name of the data received. In the
> second case (i.e. as VoiceXML parameters), the Subdialog Start element
> must be configured appropriately in order for the data to be available
> as element or session data for the duration of the call session. For
> each data passed as a VoiceXML parameter, the repeatable
> â¿¿Parameterâ¿¿ setting must be configured with the same exact name as
> the data.*Â Â
> Â
> So in the ICM I set the user.microapp.ToExtVXML[0] to be :
> "concatenate("application=IDSBGCallCenter;",concatenate("AgentID=",Call.PeripheralVariabl
> e1))", before this element I use the Set Variable Element to set
> Call.PeripheralVariable1 to be: "123456". So I can get an session
> named AgentID in the CVP, right? According to the document I should
> set the paramenter to be: AgentID .Then I should get the sessionÂ
> named AgentID, but now I don't get it , I use Descide Elenent to
> judge the session , teh result is that the AgentID session is not
> exit. I 'm so confused. Is there something wrong about that.
> Appreciate for you help.
> --
> To respond to this post, please click the following link:
> <>
> or simply reply to this email.

Janine Graves

Subject: RE: Re: New Message from Xu Wei in Customer Voice Portal (CVP) - General Di
Replied by: Xu Wei on 03-12-2010 05:58:00 AM
Hi, Thanks for your answer, now I found that when left the CVP_Subdialog_Start's Parameter blank, I can hava the AgentID session, but the session is nothing, I can't get its value. Why? I don't know the reason, What's the problem?

Subject: RE: Re: New Message from Xu Wei in Customer Voice Portal (CVP) - General Di
Replied by: Bill Webb on 03-12-2010 06:13:28 AM
So if you have done both of the following:
1. Remove the Parameters info in the CVP_Subdialog_Start as you mentioned.
2. Add a Set node in your ICM script setting the ECC Variable "Call.user.microapp.UseVXMLParams" to "N" as Janine describes.
Then it could be a formatting issue in your other Set node.  In your Set node for Call.user.microapp.ToExtVXML[0] (or whatever array element you are using), you don't need the nested concatenate as you listed in your original post.  Try one of the following:
or just try using static data, to see if it is a formatting error in the original formula:
 - Bill

Subject: RE: Re: New Message from Xu Wei in Customer Voice Portal (CVP) - General Di
Replied by: Xu Wei on 03-12-2010 06:20:13 AM
Thanks a lot, I Solved it , set the concatenate("application=ReportAgentID;AgentID=",Call.PeripheralVariable1)

Subject: RE: Re: New Message from Xu Wei in Customer Voice Portal (CVP) - General Di
Replied by: Xu Wei on 11-12-2010 04:09:42 AM
Hi, Janine
Now I have the other CVP script, it's still need the data passed from ICM, now the problem is that: when using IP phone to call the program, it have the voice of RecordAudio, I can hear it, when I use softphone and don't pass the data to ICM, I still can hear the voice of RecordAudio, but when I use softPhone and pass data to ICM, I can;t hear the voice of RecordAudio, it's an error prompt like that saying "the call is..., please call later". I configer the param user.microapp.ToExtVXML[] to be : concatenate("application=Satisfactory;AgentID=",Call.PeripheralVariable1,";CallKeyOne=",Call.PeripheralVariable2,";CallKeyTwo=",Call.PeripheralVariable3)
Is there something worng? where is it?

Subject: Re: New Message from Xu Wei in Customer Voice Portal (CVP) - General Discus
Replied by: Janine Graves on 11-12-2010 05:12:22 AM
Look in the activity log and the error log of the VxmlServer application
and see what it shows for this call.
These are in C:Cisco/CVP/VXMLServer/applications/appname/logs/ folder

You can also look either in the CVP or Error log of the Call Server to
see if ICM is passing the data correctly
These are in C:Cisco/CVP/logs/

Ensure that your ICM script is filling in the user.microapp.ToExtVXML[0]

Also, in your Studio application, do NOT put anything into the
CVP_Subdialog_Start element at all.


On 12/10/2010 11:09 PM, Cisco Developer Community Forums wrote:
> t: when using IP phone to call the program, it have the voice of
> RecordAudio, I can hear it, when I use softphone and don't pass t

Janine Graves

Subject: RE: Re: New Message from Xu Wei in Customer Voice Portal (CVP) - General Di
Replied by: Peguy Caddeus on 01-03-2013 02:30:50 PM
Janine Graves:
Look in the activity log and the error log of the VxmlServer application
and see what it shows for this call.
These are in C:Cisco/CVP/VXMLServer/applications/appname/logs/ folder

You can also look either in the CVP or Error log of the Call Server to
see if ICM is passing the data correctly
These are in C:Cisco/CVP/logs/

Ensure that your ICM script is filling in the user.microapp.ToExtVXML[0]

Also, in your Studio application, do NOT put anything into the
CVP_Subdialog_Start element at all.


On 12/10/2010 11:09 PM, Cisco Developer Community Forums wrote:
> t: when using IP phone to call the program, it have the voice of
> RecordAudio, I can hear it, when I use softphone and don't pass t

Janine Graves

Janine, you very cute
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